Weather Privacy Statement

Weather "is an application provided by Shenzhen Driving Control Technology Co., Ltd.'s brand" Doufeng "(hereinafter referred to as" We "or" Doufeng ") to provide you with weather forecast services. Doufeng attaches great importance to protecting your personal information and privacy. We will provide corresponding security measures for your personal information in accordance with legal requirements and mature industry security standards.

Version change description

Please carefully read the changes in this privacy statement:

Add a new section describing "1.3 Based on fulfilling legal obligations or other legal regulations, we may collect and process the following information from you".

Important reminder

The precise location information required for the real-time positioning based precise weather forecasting function is provided by the system positioning service. If you do not need real-time positioning based weather forecasting function, you can manually set your city, and we will provide city weather forecasting function based on your settings.

Part of our content is provided by our partners, and we will provide them with the necessary personal information to complete the service. We will share your location information with our partners.

After you exit the weather app, it will still remain connected so that desktop weather can obtain the latest weather forecast information.

There may be functional differences between different devices or versions of "weather" services. Please refer to the actual functions provided by the application. Unused functions will not collect your relevant information.

How do we collect and use your personal information

We provide you with two modes: basic service and full service. You can choose according to your own needs by going to the four point buttons in the upper right corner of the homepage>"Settings">"Settings">"Service Mode". In basic service mode, we will not collect your personal information and only provide basic services such as city weather updates and future 3-day weather forecasts. You will not be able to use other functions, such as real-time positioning based accurate weather forecasting, air quality, life index, etc. This may affect your user experience.

You can quickly understand the basic situation of "weather" collection and use of personal information under full service mode by accessing the personal information collection checklist. For detailed information on collecting personal information through various functions, please refer to the instructions below.

1.1 We will provide you with the following business functions through "Weather". During your use of the relevant business functions, we will process the necessary information to fulfill our contractual obligations and ensure that you can use the relevant functions of this application normally.

weather forecast

The "Weather Forecast" function can provide you with services such as weather conditions based on the current location, daily and multi day weather forecasts, air quality forecasts, and life index reports. We will collect your precise location information, network information, and base station information in order to provide you with the aforementioned services.

Accurate location information is only collected and used when providing you with the "weather forecast" function (For example, when you open a weather app, set a desktop gadget to refresh the weather every time it lights up or returns to the desktop from another application, set a weather service card to trigger positioning every 30 minutes when the card is displayed, or use other ride apps such as themes, system desktops, etc. to display real-time weather. The above scenarios will call your device's location permissions.) We will not save your location information.

Feedback on current weather

The 'Feedback Current Weather' function provides you with a path to provide accurate feedback on weather forecast information based on the current actual weather conditions. During this process, we will collect your ride account information, precise location information, and the pictures you proactively uploaded.

contact us

The "Questions and Suggestions" function provides you with a feedback portal for questions and suggestions, and you can provide us with feedback on the opinions or suggestions generated during the use of the service.

When you use the "Issues and Suggestions" function, we will collect your email address, phone number, operation log, SN, device model, operating system version, content you actively uploaded (such as pictures, videos, problem descriptions), and client version number. The purpose of collecting such information is to analyze the collected information, improve applications and services, and bring you a better user experience. When you proactively choose to 'share application logs for more accurate diagnosis of problems', the log information contains your operation records, and the relevant operation record information is only used for positioning purposes.

Product operation and maintenance

In order to ensure the stable operation of the product, ensure network security in accordance with laws and regulations, complete statistical settlement, and improve the operational strategy of the product, we will collect your country code, network information, location information, basic application information (such as client version number, SDK version, operating system version), application usage records (such as exposure, click records, etc.), device identifier (UDID), device model, and the content you have published, And use encrypted channels for transmission.

Activities and Benefits

When you participate in an event, we will collect your username, ride account information, location information, reward records, coupon records, coins, points, device identifier (UDID), event participation records, and marketing activity ID. When you receive a prize, we need to collect and save your contact information, such as name, shipping address, postal code, phone number, email address; If the prize is in kind, we will, based on your consent, transfer this information to the third-party logistics company to distribute the prize to you.

1.2 After obtaining your consent, we will provide you with advertising and marketing functions and process relevant information.

Advertising and Marketing

After obtaining your consent, we will provide you with personalized commercial advertisements and related application promotion activities. Please refer to the "Advertising and Marketing" section for specific details.

Personalized recommendations

After obtaining your consent, we will provide you with personalized recommendation services. Please refer to the "Personalized Recommendation" section for specific details.

1.3 Based on fulfilling legal obligations or other legal regulations, we may collect and process the following information from you

Risk Management

In order to comply with the law, we will provide you with appropriate content and services based on the real name authentication information of your ride account.

In order to maintain a positive, healthy, and positive online environment, and protect the rights and interests of users who take a ride, such as you or others, we will conduct risk control, prevent fraud, and reduce credit risk based on the relevant provisions of laws, regulations, policies, and platform rules. We will identify content and behaviors that violate laws and regulations, in order to manage corresponding content and personnel. At the same time, review your publicly published content to ensure that it is legal and compliant.

You can also report illegal and irregular content and users on the corresponding service page. We will verify your feedback as soon as possible and take reasonable measures. For this purpose, we need to collect your ride account information, device information, and report content (report type, report description). If you do not provide relevant information, we may not be able to complete the complaint service and provide feedback on the handling results.

2 Device Permission Call

During the operation of 'Weather', the following permissions are required. We will seek your opinion before using it, and any permissions that are not explicitly agreed to will not be arbitrarily invoked.

Location permissions: In order to provide you with accurate weather forecast services based on real-time location, "Weather" needs to call location permissions so that we can obtain your location information to provide you with the current location weather forecast service. You can also view and publish location related information in the Weather Community. If you do not need such a service, you can close this permission at any time, which will not affect the use of other services.

Storage permissions: In order for you to upload images and videos in the "Issues and Suggestions" section, so that we can help you locate and solve problems encountered during the application use process, use the sharing function, or post and save images in the community, "Weather" needs to call storage permissions. If you do not need such a service, you can close this permission at any time, which will not affect the use of other services.

Camera permission: When you post pictures and text in the community, you can choose to open this permission for taking photos and uploading. Denying this permission will prevent you from using some posting functions, but it will not affect your ability to use other functions.

Install other application permissions within the application: When you use the incentive download function, due to some system background configuration requirements, you need to enable the installation permissions within the application so that you can download and install the promoted application normally to obtain corresponding discounts. Denying this permission will prevent you from using the incentive download function.

You can access the system settings at any time to manage the permissions of this application.

3 Advertising and Marketing

After obtaining your consent, we will provide you with personalized commercial advertisements and related application promotion activities. For this purpose, we need to collect and process your advertising identifiers, device identifiers, SIM card numbers, and only share them with advertising partners within the scope of the above purposes.

We will collect information on your device and application usage, as well as advertising interactions, and display more relevant personalized advertisements and other promotional content to you. During this process, we will strictly protect your privacy. You can learn more about how we collect and use your personal information in personalized advertisements according to the statement on Whale Hung Energy Advertising and Privacy.

4 Personalized recommendations

In order to provide you with content that interests you and provide you with a better experience, we may recommend columns, content, information, and activities that better match your interests based on your device identifier (UDID), personalized switch settings, ride account information, approximate location information, interest intention tags, device hardware information (device model), and application usage records (exposure, click records). When you want to turn off personalized weather recommendations, you can go to the settings button in the upper right corner of the weather homepage and choose to turn off personalized recommendations; Some versions or terminal devices do not currently provide personalized recommendation services, and we will not process your personal information for this purpose. Please refer to the actual application used.

5 Protection of minors

We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors, and Doufeng will strictly comply with national laws and regulations to provide corresponding protection when minors use services. If you are a minor, your parents or other guardians need to agree to your use of this app and agree to the service terms of the relevant app. Parents or other guardians should also take appropriate preventive measures to protect minors, including monitoring their use of this application.

Specifically, if you are a child (under the age of fourteen), before using our services, please be sure to notify your parents or other guardians to carefully read this statement and our specially formulated "Child Privacy Protection Statement for Ride Consumer Business", and use our services or provide us with information with the consent or guidance of your parents or other guardians. If you are a parent or other guardian of a child, please ensure that the child under your guardianship uses our services and provides us with information with your consent or guidance.

6 Sharing with third parties

In order to provide you with some features/services, such as personalized content recommendation services, we need to provide your personal information to a third party. In order to ensure your data security and privacy, we have signed a data security protection agreement with our partners, clarifying their responsibilities, obligations, and requirements for your data protection. For more information, please refer to the list of third-party shared information.

7 Third Party SDK

Some services need to be provided jointly by us and our partners, such as the content sharing function on the homepage and secondary pages. For this purpose, we have integrated partner software tool development kits (referred to as "SDKs") or other similar applications. For more details, please refer to the list of third-party SDKs.

8 Manage Your Personal Information

Doufeng highly respects your attention to personal information and provides you with the following data subject rights and choices.

8.1 Cancellation Service

You can delete the weather software and stop the collection and use of your personal information by the "weather" application. This operation will permanently delete all your personal information in the "weather" cloud and cannot be recovered. Please be cautious when operating.

If you have further requirements or have any questions, opinions or suggestions regarding your data subject rights, you can contact us through the "How to Contact Us" section of this statement and exercise your relevant rights.

9. Location and duration of information storage

The personal information we collect and generate in 'Weather' will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

We will only retain your personal information for the necessary time to achieve the purpose of data collection, and delete or anonymize your personal information after exceeding the retention time specified below, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

Information related to your issues and suggestions (excluding logs) will be saved for two (2) years and the logs will be saved for seven (7) days, and will be automatically deleted upon expiration.

The information used for weather feedback will be saved for two (2) years and automatically deleted upon expiration.

The information used for statistical analysis purposes will be saved for six (6) months and automatically deleted upon expiration.

The information used for personalized commercial advertisements and related application promotion activities will be saved for six (6) months and automatically deleted upon expiration.

The relevant information used for personalized recommendations will be saved for six (6) months and automatically deleted upon expiration.

The information you use for community login authentication (such as the Doufeng account ID) will be saved for six (6) months, and the (country code) will be saved for twenty-four (24) hours, and will be automatically deleted upon expiration.

The public content you post on social functions such as communities, personal information pages, and comments will be deleted immediately after you close your account or proactively delete it.

The records of reports you submit on social functions such as communities, personal information pages, and comments will be saved for two (2) years after you close your account, "stop serving" or proactively delete them.

The information related to your participation in the event will be saved for two (2) years after the end of the event, and will be automatically deleted upon expiration.

Your express consent record will be kept for three (3) years from the date of cancellation of your ride account.

After you voluntarily delete your personal information or cancel your ride account, unless otherwise specified in the above rules, the information associated with your ride account will be immediately deleted.

For the storage period of personal information submitted to third-party partners (location information for obtaining weather data), we have signed a contract with the third-party service provider to ensure the security of personal information and promptly delete it once it reaches its retention period. For more details, please refer to its relevant privacy policy.

In addition, when our products or services cease operation, we will notify you through push notifications, announcements, and other forms, and delete your personal information or anonymize it within a reasonable period of time.

How to contact us

We have designated a person in charge of personal information protection. You can contact us via email and we will reply as soon as possible.

Registered address of the company: 13/F, Block B, Shenye U Center, Zhoushi Road, Xixiang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China. Shenzhen Driving Control Technology Co., Ltd.

If you are not satisfied with our response, especially when our personal information processing behavior damages your legitimate rights and interests, you can also resolve it through external channels such as filing a lawsuit with a competent people's court, complaining to industry self-discipline associations or relevant government regulatory agencies. You can also ask us for information on possible complaint channels that may apply.

Riding around will always follow our privacy policy to collect and use your information.